March 2013 Application Deadlines!

Don’t wait to check out summer research opportunities. Many research programs and internships want to finalize their candidates early in the spring. Look for the acronym “REU” or Research Opportunity for Undergraduates when searching for possible summer opportunities. Some offer awards of $4000 to $5000, and free room and board for the summer!
Remember – summer positions can have a variety of different names – “fellowship,” “internship,” “co-op,” or “associate.” Keep your options open in order to find the best experience for you!

March 1 Deadlines:

  • Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program (MAOP) Undergraduate Summer Research Internship – Virginia Tech – Wide variety of academic disciplines; $3000 stipend, free room and board.
  • Summer Research Internships: University of Tokyo – Six-week research-centered program for students interested in natural science areas. Housing provided; stipend to cover some travel costs and personal expenses.
  • Center on Budget and Policy – Washington, DC – Offers internships working on a variety of public policy issues.
  • Research Fellowships in Oceanography – University of Rhode Island – Primarily for rising seniors in science, math and engineering programs.
  • Science News Writing Internship/Science Magazine –Internship for news writers; applications being accepted for 6-month period (July-Dec.)
  • Whale Research Internships – Gloucester, MA – Biology/Zoology students – summer internship on commercial whale watch vessels collecting, organizing and analyzing data.
  • Maryland Sea Grant Program – REU – Opportunity to conduct marine research on Chesapeake Bay. Priority given to rising seniors
  • Washington Internship on Social Insurance – Targets upper division students studying public policy, economics, political science or related field; 12 week internship with $3500 stipend
  • National Institutes of Health – Internship in Biomedical Research – Work side by side with researchers in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) – Intended for advanced undergraduates studying the history of electrical technology and computing

March 5 Deadline:

  • Hertog Global Strategy Initiative (HGSI) at Columbia University-2013 Seminar – Topic “The History of Climate Change and the Future of Global Governance”. Limited financial is available to cover tuition costs.

March 8 Deadline:

March 15 Deadlines:

March 22 Deadline:

  • Behavior Sciences Student Fellowship – Epilepsy Foundation of America – Award amount up to $3,000.

February 2013 Application Deadlines!

Intersession and early in the spring semester is the perfect time to make your plans for next summer. Many research programs and other relevant opportunities set deadlines in January and February. The people who run summer programs want to make sure that they have time to choose their candidates and then give everyone time to plan the practicalities.

So … now is the time to get your applications ready!

Many summer programs use the acronym “REU” or Research Opportunity for Undergraduates. These opportunities may provide a summer stipend of $4000 to $5000, and free room and board for the summer!

Other summer positions can have a variety of different names – “fellowship,” “internship,” “co-op,” or “associate.” Look at the full variety of titles and find the experience that will be super for you!

Feb. 1 deadline:

Feb. 5 deadline:

Feb. 8 deadline:

  • AP-Google Scholarship – $20,000 scholarship award, open to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors interested in digital journalism.
  • Environmental studies internship, US EPA,Office of Children’s Health Protection & Environmental Education, Washington, DC.

Feb. 9 deadline:

Feb. 11 deadline:

  • American Heart Association, Founders Affiliate Undergraduate Student Summer Fellowship Program, based in affiliate labs (including at UCHC) in NY, CT, and MA.
  • Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program, NY Department of Environmental Conservation. Research on the Hudson River.

Feb. 13 deadline:

Feb. 15 deadline:

Feb. 22 deadline:

Feb. 28 deadline: