Apply for a UConn Co-op Legacy Fellowship – Change Grant

The Change Grant application is open!

If you have questions about Change Grant program or the application process, or if you would like to discuss your project idea, please schedule an appointment with Melissa Berkey via Nexus or through email at

Individual Application

Individual Application

Click here to access the individual application for the UConn Co-op Legacy Fellowship - Change Grant through the Quest Portal.

Application Outline

The application outline below lists all the questions you will need to answer and the information you will need to provide in the online application, which is submitted through the Quest Portal.

    We recommend you initiate your application in the online application system and complete the project mentor recommendation request form well before your target submission deadline. This will give your project mentor time to complete their section of the application by the submission deadline. For projects that require a letter of support, that request should also be initiated in the online system well ahead of your target submission deadline.

    The final question on the application will ask you to certify that you have prepared your application materials in accordance with University standards for academic integrity. Learn more about academic integrity.

    Submission Deadlines:

    Fall 2024:

    • September 30, 2024, 11:59pm
    • October 31, 2024, 11:59pm
    • November 30, 2024, 11:59pm

    Spring 2025:

    • January 31, 2025, 11:59pm
    • February 28, 2025, 11:59pm

    More information on the program timeline can be found on the Change Grant program page.

    Group Application

    Group Application

    The UConn Co-op Legacy Fellowship - Change Grant group application has two parts. Both parts must be completed for your application to be complete.

    • Part 1: Click here to access the Change Grant Group Application through the Quest Portal. This portion is completed collaboratively, with one applicant submitting the group application on behalf of the group.
    • Part 2: Click here to access the Change Grant Supplemental Individual Application through the Quest Portal. Each group member must complete the supplemental individual application in addition to the collaborative application for the application to be complete.

    Application Outline

    The application outline below includes all the questions you and your project partners will need to answer and the information you will need to provide in the online application, which is submitted through the Quest Portal.

      We recommend you initiate your application in the online application system and complete the project mentor recommendation request form well before your target submission deadline. This will give project mentors time to complete their section of the application by the submission deadline. For projects that require a letter of support, that request should also be initiated in the online system well ahead of your target submission deadline.

      The final question on the application will ask you to certify that you have prepared your application materials in accordance with University standards for academic integrity. Learn more about academic integrity.

      Submission Deadlines:


      Fall 2024:

      • September 30, 2024, 11:59pm
      • October 31, 2024, 11:59pm
      • November 30, 2024, 11:59pm

      Spring 2025:

      • January 31, 2025, 11:59pm
      • February 28, 2025, 11:59pm

      More information on the program timeline can be found on the Change Grant program page.

      Preparing a Budget

      Preparing a Budget

      The UConn Co-op Legacy Fellowship - Change Grant may award up to $4,000 for expenses associated with approved project work. Applicants are required to submit a budget that outlines anticipated project expenses.

      To prepare your budget, start by considering each step of your proposed project, and map out the supplies, materials, and expenses associated with those steps. Itemize your supplies and materials, to the extent possible, and provide reasonable, economical cost estimates for the materials.

      Stipends can be included on a Change Grant budget, but are limited to a maximum of $2,000 per project.

      The Change Grant budget worksheet and Change Grant budget tips will assist you with developing your estimated budget.

      There are exclusions and restrictions on the use of Change Grant funding. These include, but are not limited to, normal expenses associated with being a student (tuition, fees, living expenses, personal expenses); hiring or compensating assistants or contractors for internal or external services; and purchase of durable equipment including, but not limited to, computers, cameras, and microscopes.

      Please schedule an appointment with Melissa Berkey to discuss your budget before applying to determine if your intended expenses can be covered with Change Grant funding. Appointments can also be schedule through email at

      Project Mentor Recommendation

      Project Mentor Recommendation

      Applicants are required to have a project mentor from the University community (faculty or professional staff). As part of the application process, project mentors need to complete an online recommendation form and mentorship agreement. It is your responsibility to contact potential mentors to discuss your project proposal and their willingness to complete the recommendation form by your target submission deadline.

      Project mentors will be asked to address the following questions in the online recommendation:

      • Describe the length of time and in what context(s) you have known the student(s). For group projects, please address your relationship with each group member.
      • Please outline your familiarity with and knowledge of the proposed research project, service initiative, creative endeavor, or social innovation, and the potential impact of the project.
      • Please provide an assessment of the student's qualifications and preparation to engage in the proposed project.
      • How do you anticipate the student(s) will benefit from completing this project and/or receiving a Change Grant?
      • Are there aspects of the project that need further development? Do you have any reservations about the proposed project?
      • Does the project require research approvals? If the project requires research approvals (IRB, IACUC), are you able to provide the student(s) with support and assistance with securing approval?

      To assist your mentor with completing the recommendation form, you are encouraged to discuss your proposed project, share your interests in and motivations for pursuing the project, and talk about what you've done to prepare to successfully engage in project work. You are encouraged to show application drafts to your mentor for feedback.

      Our Information Sheet for Project Mentors gives you the information you will need to provide your mentor after they agree to complete the recommendation form and mentorship agreement.

      You will initiate the recommendation request via the online application system ( by entering your mentor's name and email address. The online system will send your mentor an email with instructions for completing the online recommendation form and mentorship agreement.

      Complete applications, including the online recommendation form from the project mentor, must be submitted by the submission deadlines in order to be considered for review in following month. For example, in order for the application to be reviewed in October 2024, the complete application will need to be submitted no later than 11:59pm on September 30, 2024.

      Submission Deadlines:

      • September 30, 2024, 11:59pm
      • October 31, 2024, 11:59pm
      • November 30, 2024, 11:59pm
        • Please note, there will be no review in January; applications submitted December 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025 will be reviewed in February 2025.
      • January 31, 2025, 11:59pm
      • February 28, 2025, 11:59pm

      We recommend you start your application in the online system and request the recommendation well before the application deadline to give your mentor enough time to complete the recommendation form and mentorship agreement by your target submission deadline.

      Letters of Support from Partner Organizations

        Letters of Support from Partner Organizations

        If your project involves collaborating with an organization outside of UConn, then you will need to request a letter of support from the organization indicating that they are aware of the proposed project and are willing to partner with you on the project.

        You will request letters of support via the online application system by providing the first and last name and email address of your organization contact. Your contact will receive an email from the application system with a link to the site where the letter can be uploaded.

        Alternately, letters of support can be submitted via email to Melissa Berkey at

        Applications will be reviewed monthly starting October 2024 and continuing through March 2025. Complete applications, which may include a letter of support, must be submitted by the submission deadlines below in order to be considered for review in the following month. For example, in order for the application to be reviewed in October 2024, the complete application will need to be submitted via the Quest Portal or through email no later than 11:59pm on September 30, 2024.

        Submission Deadlines:

        • September 30, 2024, 11:59pm
        • October 31, 2024, 11:59pm
        • November 30, 2024, 11:59pm
        • January 31, 2025, 11:59pm
        • February 28, 2025, 11:59pm

        Criteria for Review and Selection

        Criteria for Review and Selection

        The Change Grant review committee uses the UConn Co-op Legacy Fellowship - Change Grant Scoring Rubric to assess proposed projects. Applicants are encouraged to review the rubric as they draft and revise their application materials to ensure that they meet the criteria associated with strong proposals.

        All projects are reviewed based on the following criteria:

        • The proposed service initiative, social innovation, applied research project, or creative project encompasses the core values of social impact, public engagement, and innovation
        • The applicant demonstrates an understanding of the problem, issue, or need that the project addresses and the potential of their proposed project to make a positive impact on that problem, issue, or need
        • A realistic and feasible plan for carrying out the proposed project is clearly articulated
        • The impact and significance of the proposed work is articulated in compelling, but realistic, terms
        • Project has strong and clearly articulated public engagement and/or direct impact component
        • The project is a new initiative, or an expansion or enhancement of an existing initiative
        • The applicant has/applicants have the necessary background knowledge and/or experience to successfully execute the project
        • There is a clear connection between the project work and the applicants' academic, professional, or personal goals and aspirations
        • The budget is feasible and demonstrates understanding of the necessary expenses associated with the proposed work

        International Travel

          International Travel

          Students interested in traveling outside the United States as part of their projects must demonstrate that they have made adequate preparations for the logistics and challenges of initiatives abroad. While these preparations can be furthered and finalized as the project progresses, the review committee will look for evidence that applicants have begun researching these matters as part of their assessment of the viability of the project.

          Applicants proposing international travel as part of their Change Grant project will be required to answer additional questions related to their travel plans.  You are also encouraged to schedule an appointment with program coordinator Melissa Berkey and your mentor to discuss your plans.

          Travel Restrictions
          The Change Grant will not support travel to any country with a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning or Travel Alert except pursuant to a waiver approved by the Provost’s Office.

          For more information on the waiver process, please review the following University travel policies.