Student Research Blog

Troubleshooting the Research Process

By: Marisa Boch, OUR Peer Research AmbassadorTroubleshooting the Research Process Blog Post

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison

Full disclosure: the research process can be tedious. Progress may be slow, with setbacks seemingly more frequent than advances. Nevertheless, it is important not to get discouraged and, instead, to look at failure with a critical eye. Be open to what the results suggest. Troubleshoot. Use this failure to pave the way for discovery.

For me, my most notable experience with research setbacks occurred this past summer. I had received a Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) Award to work full-time on my independent research project, and I had high expectations for the progress I was going to make over the course of those 11 weeks. I wanted to achieve X, Y, and Z, and I had a clear-cut timeline for meeting those goals. In the end, however, I only achieved X (after failing several times over) and half of Y (hence why I am using this experience as an example of “setbacks in research”). Here is my story:
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Getting In Touch: Making Contact with Professors

By: Maya Schlesinger, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

The toughest part of getting involved on campus is often — well — getting involved! This is especially true when it comes to undergraduate research and other creative endeavors, where your involvement hinges on building connections with professors whose work aligns with your interests.

For me, developing these contacts to start my research came in the form of emails and so I’ve had a lot of practice crafting these emails to professors. Your email is often the first thing that this person has to judge you by, and if you are asking them for something, you want to make sure it stands out and is professional. Continue reading