Author: Berkey, Melissa

• Congratulations, 2020 SHARE Award Recipients!

Congratulations to the 14 student-faculty pairs selected to receive SHARE Awards to support their work on projects of mutual interest during the Spring 2020 semester!

Click here to view the full list of Spring 2020 SHARE Recipients.

The SHARE Award program supports undergraduate research projects in the social sciences, humanities, and arts. Designed especially for students in the earlier stages of their college careers, SHARE apprenticeship experiences offer students an introduction to research and help them develop the skills they will need for future research projects.

Click here for more information on the SHARE Award program.

Setbacks in Your Project? We’ve All Been There

Setbacks in Your Project? We've All Been There. By PRA Maria.By Maria Latta, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

Whether you are working on lab work, human subjects research, an outreach project, or a creative endeavor, you have probably faced at least one setback along the way. I certainly have. Some of the challenges I have faced are: my experiments produced results that didn’t support my hypothesis, my IRB approval was delayed and required revisions, the organizations I partnered with underwent changes that impacted the timeline of my project, and I have just had mental blocks on how to move forward. Continue reading

Meet the PRAs: Grace Nichols

Meet Grace Nichols ’20, an OUR Peer Research Ambassador (PRA) majoring in Molecular & Cell Biology and minoring in Mathematics.

Meet the PRAs: Grace.What is the focus of your research?

I currently work in a neuroscience laboratory at UConn Health where we are studying the auditory system and occurrence of tinnitus in mice. I also assist with clinical research at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Prior to these experiences, I worked in a computational biology lab and helped in producing mathematical models of the genes promoting chemotherapy resistance in Triple Negative Breast Cancer tumors.

Why did you get involved in research?

When I first came to UConn, I was pursuing a major in Mathematics/Actuarial Science and was planning to become an actuary. After taking a few science courses and shadowing healthcare providers, I ended up changing my career track and switching my major to Molecular and Cell Biology. I initially got involved in research because I wanted to gain more exposure to how scientific investigation connects back to patient and community health. Participating in computational biology research provided a unique and valuable bridge between my background in mathematics and my new interest of cell biology.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

Get involved in as many different activities as possible, attend different lectures and workshops offered on campus, and take a wide breadth of classes. You never know who you may meet and connect with, or what new topics will pique your interest. College is one of the few times you will get to freely explore in this way, so take advantage of it!

What do you enjoy the most about participating in research activity?

What I enjoy most about my research activity is how no two days are the same in the laboratory – there are always new problems to solve and every day is a new learning experience. Being in such a dynamic work environment has helped me to develop my personal and professional skills. Under the guidance of my mentors, I have gained experience in planning and troubleshooting experiments, learned how to communicate the goals and results of a project with my peers, and gained confidence in myself as an investigator. This enriching experience reaffirmed my interest in the healthcare field, and inspired me to pursue scientific research beyond my undergraduate education.

What are your plans after graduation? How has involvement in research influenced your plans and prepared you for the future?

After graduation I plan to apply to medical school. My involvement in undergraduate research has truly been a positive experience, and has encouraged me to incorporate scientific investigation into my higher education and career goals. It is because of my time spent in research that I plan to apply to MD/PhD programs.

Making the Most of Your Research Experience

Making the Most of Your Research Experience. By PRA Kavita.By Kavita Rana, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

Research is a long and rigorous process and typically requires patience and determination, but it is also rewarding and helps students gain knowledge in their fields of interest. At the end of the day, your research experience is what you make of it. As you dive into research, I’d like to share a few tips I’ve learned along the way that have helped me make the most of my research experiences and shape my own research career. Continue reading

Meet the PRAs: Chenghong Deng

Meet Chenghong Deng ’20, an OUR Peer Research Ambassador (PRA) majoring in Molecular & Cell Biology and minoring in Psychology and Bioinformatics.

Meet the PRAs. Chenghong.What is the focus of your research?

I am interested in the field of genetics. My research is bioinformatics based. I am focusing on a type of frog called Breviceps. During the mating season, the female and male Breviceps physically stuck to each other with a bio-glue. I am using computational methods to identify the genetic material response for glue production.

Why did you get involved in research?

I like to explore the unknown world. I also wanted to gain some valuable research experience to help me decide whether I want to go to graduate school.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

It’s never too early to ask about getting involved in research!

What do you enjoy the most about participating in research?

Learning new things every day!

Describe the impact your research experience has had on you.

By working closely with faculty members, I have become more comfortable reaching out to faculty to ask questions. By using the materials covered in lectures during my research, It has become easier for me to understand the lecture materials. I’ve also improved my critical thinking ability by reading a lot of research papers.

Preparing for Your First Research Conference

Preparing for Your First Research Conference. By PRA Ian.By Ian Sands, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

Conference presentations are an essential part of any research community. Whatever field you end up doing research in, attending conferences allow laboratories to communicate their recent projects, obtain feedback from their peers, and remain informed regarding up and coming technologies that are gaining attention within that respective field. On top of that, these events allow you to represent your lab and network yourself to other interested parties for potential collaborations. With all this in mind, it’s important to take time to prepare in order to set yourself up for success and represent your research well. Continue reading

• Congratulations, Fall 2019 Change Grant Recipients!

The Office of Undergraduate Research is delighted to announce the seven students selected to receive UConn Co-op Legacy Fellowship – Change Grants!

Click here to view the full list of Fall 2019 Recipients.

Born out of the UConn Co-op’s commitment to public engagement, innovative entrepreneurship, social impact, and active mentorship, the UConn Co-op Legacy Fellowship – Change Grants provide undergraduates the opportunity to pursue student-designed or student-led projects, including service initiatives, creative endeavors, advocacy, engaged research, and social entrepreneurship. Projects pursued through this program represent the legacy of the UConn Co-op’s commitment to public engagement, innovation, and social impact.

Special thanks to the faculty and staff who will be mentoring the award recipients as they complete their projects and to the members of the faculty review committee.

Click here for more information on the UConn Co-op Legacy Fellowship – Change Grant Program.

Meet the PRAs: Shreya Murthy

Meet Shreya Murthy ’21, an OUR Peer Research Ambassador (PRA) majoring in Criminology, Human Rights, and Finance, and minoring in Political Science.

Meet the PRAs. Shreya.What is the focus of your research?

My research focus is on the intersection of Criminal Behavior, Law, Human Rights and Business. I am looking at how widespread business failures/mishaps happen and unfold and what can be done to remedy the situation after the fact.

Why did you get involved in research?

I initially came into UConn with the focus of doing Criminology and Human Rights. This interest in criminal behavior and the impact of human rights led to my IDEA Grant Project. However, an internship made me reconsider my projected career path of doing Criminal Law as a Prosecutor and significantly changed my research and career interests. This led to a period of exploration during my sophomore year which introduced me to the field of business and human rights. Throughout my sophomore year, I was attending events, meeting with faculty, and taking up a research assistantship with a professor in the field to help inform my own research interests and project.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

If a professor’s class or research work stands out to you, go to their office hours! This is the best way to not only get research opportunities but to network and potentially gain advisors for your own research in a neutral and low-stress environment. Just make sure to have a 30-sec “about me” introduction ready to go. Never turn away from opportunities to learn about people’s work. This means attending research presentations, symposiums, or going to a lunchtime seminar. Going to these events allows you to meet people in your field and learn research techniques that you have never seen before.

What do you enjoy the most about participating in research?

When you are doing a research project there are so many different things that you have to do depending on the project. This could be the proposal, IRB paperwork, or working on posters. My favorite part is the research itself and finding out new things about my topic. Being able to be that “creator” of knowledge is so much fun because of how you can be so lost in what you find one moment and then the next you find the missing piece that links all of the data together!

What are your plans after graduation? How has involvement in research influenced your plans and/or prepared you for the future?

I am planning on going to graduate school after I finish my undergraduate degrees. However, with my interest in research and participation in research programs at UConn, I have been investigating the possibility of doing a PhD program after college instead of or in conjunction with a JD program. Participating in these research programs has taught me a lot about myself and my interests and has shown me the tools I need for my future outside of simply my research.