Beyond the Lab: Conducting Social Science Research

Beyond the Lab: Conducting Social Science Research. By PRA Shreya.By Shreya Murthy, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

When I tell people that I am doing research, I usually get asked, “which lab are you in?” My response is always, “my lab is my backpack!” For many social science researchers, this is typical, as their research usually requires a very powerful laptop and a notebook. This presents some advantages and challenges to researchers.

Challenge: Self-motivation
Students conducting social science research need to find ways to keep themselves motivated and on track with their own projects, as they are only accountable to themselves and their own timelines. This issue most often arose for me when my research commitments conflicted with studying for exams or doing homework for class. I found that setting smaller goals every couple of days for myself was much more helpful than following strictly to my project targets. This would help me keep my coursework on track while also allowing me to complete my project on time by prioritizing over a couple of days rather than a single day so that I don’t get overwhelmed.

Advantage: So much flexibility!
While flexibility has its challenges, it can also be a huge advantage. Having all the resources that you need in the convenience of your backpack is a plus for social science research. During any given week I can be running some data analysis in Excel in the library one day and reading an article in the dining hall the next. Since much of the materials that social science researchers are utilizing do not require the student to be stationary, students can do their research from anywhere and at any time. This is especially helpful for the very busy student or the student that is always on the move. The flexibility and the convenience give students a lot more time in the day to work on their research.

Social science research requires a balance between the great flexibility and self-motivation and accountability. Once you find that, enjoy all the amazing things that you will learn through your research!

Shreya is a junior majoring in Criminology, Human Rights, and Finance, with a minor in Political Science. Click here to learn more about Shreya.