Author: Eskin, Jodi

• Applications Open for 2023 Summer Research Programs

Are you interested in participating in a formal off-campus summer research or internship program? Planning ahead is critical to submitting a competitive application. December is the time to gather together all the required elements of the applications, including faculty letters of recommendation. Check out the exciting programs below and consider if any would fit with your research goals and interests. These opportunities have application deadlines in December or January! Note: Most programs are planning for in-person activities in summer 2023, but be sure to check the individual program websites for updates.

DAAD RISE – Research Internships in Science and Engineering in Germany
Deadline: Applications are due by December 15, 2022; Letters of Reference are due by December 22, 2022
DAAD RISE gives students in the fields of biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering, and physics the chance to spend a summer working on research projects with doctoral students at German universities and research institutions. Interested students must first register online before submitting application materials. Application materials must be submitted by December 15, 2022 (6pm EST), with letters of reference due December 22, (6pm EST).

ThinkSwiss Research Scholarships
Deadline: December 31, 2022;
ThinkSwiss scholarships support highly motivated undergraduates who are interested in doing research at a public Swiss university or research institute. The scholarship is open to students in all fields. A monthly stipend of approximately $1,600 is provided for a period of 2-3 months ($5,400 maximum).

Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
Deadline: January 10, 2023 (5:00pm EST);
The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 17 participating DOE laboratories.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory – Undergraduate Research Program 2023
Deadline: January 15, 2023;
The URP program is designed to give 20 students an opportunity to conduct first-rate research under the supervision of senior laboratory staff in the areas of cancer biology, neuroscience, plant biology, cellular and molecular biology, genetics and bioinformatics, and genomics. Selected students receive room and board in addition to a $6,000 stipend.

SENS Research Foundation (SRF) Summer Scholars Program
Deadline: January 15, 2023 (12pm PST);
This program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research under the guidance of a scientific mentor. Host labs will be announced shortly and will be available at the website link along with full descriptions of each research project. Stipend rates will be based upon levels used by government agencies, such as the NIH and NSF.

Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program (MLEF)
Deadline: January 23, 2023;
The Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy. This 10-week summer research fellowship provides opportunities to students who are pursuing degrees in STEM fields. The mission of MLEF is strengthen a diverse pipeline of future STEM professional by increasing opportunities for minority and female students. Interested students are encouraged to attend the final MLEF virtual information session (November 22 – info here) where program staff will review the application process, provide resume tips and share information on other DOE research programs.

Summer Internships in Science and Technology (SIST) – Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
Deadline: January 23, 2023;
Fermilab’s SIST program offers 12-week summer internships in science and technology. Internships available in physics, engineering (mechanical, electrical and computer), materials science, mathematics and computer science offer a chance for students to conduct research with Fermilab scientists and engineers. Hourly pay ranges from $15.84/hr-$25.00/hr depending on your year in school. Housing will be provided if the internship is held on site.

Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB)
Deadline: January 29, 2023 (5:00pm, PST)
The SUPERB Computer and Information Science and Engineering program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to work on research projects focused on using Big Data. This challenging 9-week program is open to rising juniors or seniors who have completed some upper division course work in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. Stipend of $5,000, housing, meals, and $800 travel allowance provided. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the campus policies will dictate whether the program is he in-person or remote. 

Summer Research Experience Program in Cancer Science – Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Deadline: January 31, 2023;
This 10-week summer research program is open to students who are college juniors or junior-equivalents (credit-wise) at the time of application and who are interested in pursuing an advanced degree towards a biomedical research career. Areas of research include, but are not limited to: cancer biophysics, tumor immunology, cancer genetics, molecular pharmacology. Selected students will be working in a Roswell Park department alongside professional researchers and graduate students. Students accepted into the NCI R25 funding source will receive a subsistence allowance of $6,000.

Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP) – Columbia University
Deadline: January 31, 2023;
The Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP) is designed for undergraduate students who are interested in public health and biomedical science careers. Applicants must have completed at least two years of college (rising juniors and seniors). Students from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Selected students will receive a stipend, housing, and round trip travel. The Summer Public Health Scholars Program is scheduled to take place in person in NYC for summer 2023. Scholars accepted in the program must be fully vaccinated to participate.

Maternal Child Health Careers/Research Initiatives for Student Enhancement – Undergraduate Program (MCHC/RISE-UP)
Deadline: January 31, 2023;
MCHC/RISE-UP provides opportunities for enhanced public leadership in the area of maternal and child health. Three tracks are offered: clinical, research, and community engagement and advocacy. This program is open to juniors, seniors, and recent baccalaureate degree scholars interested in learning more about public health. A stipend ($3,000-$3,500) and housing are provided. Summer format is subject to change based on COVID-19 pandemic status.

• Congratulations, 2022 SURF Award Recipients!

The Office of Undergraduate Research is pleased to announce the selection of 39 undergraduate students to receive SURF Awards in support of their summer undergraduate research projects.

Click here to view the full list of Summer 2022 SURF awardees.SURF logo 2

Congratulations, SURF awardees! Your curiosity, initiative, and motivation were evident in your applications. In spite of the challenges you faced this year, you have an exciting summer of deep engagement with the process of academic inquiry ahead of you. We look forward to hearing about all you learn and discover!

We thank the faculty members who supported SURF applicants in a range of roles: mentors, letter writers, and faculty review committee members. SURF represents a collaborative effort between students and faculty. This program would not be possible without the support and participation of the UConn faculty!

OUR also extends thanks to SURF supporters in the UConn community. We are grateful to the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Vice President for Research, and to the Deans of the Schools and Colleges of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources; Business; Education; Engineering; Fine Arts; Liberal Arts and Sciences; Nursing; and Pharmacy, who all pledged funding to the SURF competition this year. Alumni, parents, and friends of UConn also helped fund SURF awards. This collaborative funding effort ensures that SURF supports a diverse array of undergraduate research endeavors. We are grateful to all of our program partners for making intensive summer research opportunities available to students seeking to enrich their undergraduate experience in this way.

Once again, congratulations to the recipients of 2022 SURF awards, and good luck with your summer projects!

• Summer Research Opportunities with Open Applications

Undecided about how to spend your summer? Consider an undergraduate research program or research internship hosted by a research institute or university. Many summer research programs and internships, including those listed below, are still accepting applications, some through mid March. There is still time to prepare a personal statement, gather application materials, and secure letters of recommendation. COVID-19 Note: All summer programs are closely following developments related to coronavirus in order to react quickly to changing situations. Check the individual program websites for updates. 

Mountain Lake Biological Station, University of Virginia, REU Program – Ecology, Evolution, and Behavioral Field Research
Deadline: February 20, 2022
The MLBS REU program is a 10-week summer program that provides students the opportunity to conduct guided, but independent, original research in field biology. Visit the REU website for information on specific REU projects and mentors; the program supports 10 students each summer. $6,000 stipend, room and board provided.

Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program (MAOP) Undergraduate Summer Research Internship – Virginia Tech
Deadline: 5pm EST, February 21, 2022
This program provides undergraduates from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Wide variety of academic disciplines; $3,000 stipend, free on-campus room and board. Applicants should be rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Molecular and Synthetic Microbiology REU – University of Georgia
Deadline: February 25, 2022
Selected students will conduct independent research projects in cutting-edge laboratories mentored by UGA faculty and graduate students. Research topics address the diverse functions of bacteria, archaea, fungi, and other microbes. $5,175 stipend and a $500 food allowance provided. Housing and most travel costs will also be covered.

Brookings Institution Internship Program
Deadline: February 27, 2022
The Brookings Internship Program provides undergraduates the opportunity to learn new skills by working with Brookings’ staff in a variety of research areas – Economic Studies, Foreign Policy, Global Economy and Development, Governance Studies and Metropolitan Policy. Three types of internships are offered – paid, academic for credit, and external sponsorship.

University of Massachusetts Boston – REU in Integrative and Evolutionary Biology
Deadline: extended to February 28, 2022
This 10-week program offers students the opportunity to carry out an independent research project under the direction of a faculty advisor and research group. Sample research topics: marine community biodiversity and ecosystem function, amphibian microbiome and disease ecology, ecological genomics of plants, and biodiversity and ecoinformatics. Applicants should have completed at least one semester of college-level biology. $6,000 stipend with a $3,300 room and board allowance.

Loyola Adventures in Urobiome Data (LAUD) Summer Research Program
Deadline: March 1, 2022
The 8-week LAUD program includes projects for hybrid (combination of in-lab and online) or online only. Selected student researchers will gain exposure to current research areas in benign urologic disease, conduct hypothesis-driven research, and develop the skills to synthesize, interpret, and present their scientific research. Applicants should have completed genetics or cell biology along with a statistics course. $6,000 stipend. 

Agroecology Extension (AX) Summer Research Fellowship – University of Vermont
Deadline: March 4, 2022
The AX Fellowship is collaboration between UVM Extension and the Plant and Soil Science Department, and coordinated by the Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative on UVM’s main campus in Burlington, VT. Fellows will be matched with mentors engaged in various agroecological extension research projects including in pest management, agronomy, vegetable/berry farming, fruit tree farming, or field crop and soil management. On-campus housing or housing allowance is provided.

American Student Placements in Rehabilitation Engineering (ASPIRE) REU Program – University of Pittsburgh
Deadline: March 13, 2022
ASPIRE is a 10-week research program that focuses on rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology. Students indicate their top three projects choices on their application. Selected students receive a $4,750 stipend with housing provided at no-cost..

REU in Nanotechnology and Photonics at Boston University
Deadline: March 15, 2022
The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation from undergraduates (rising freshman to rising seniors) and community college students. Students will participate in mentored discovery, engineering of new devices, and fabrication at the nanoscale level to explore optical and integrated nano-scale systems, while developing critical skills, awareness and confidence necessary to advance in academics and research in the future. $5,500 stipend.

American Society of Plant Biologists – Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Deadline: March 14, 2022
The ASPB Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships fund undergraduate students so they can conduct research in plant biology early in their college career. SURF recipients must present their research at ASPB’s annual Plant Biology meeting in the year following the fellowship award. Students may work with a mentor at their own institution or at another institution. Mentors must be a member of ASPB, have an ongoing research program of high scientific merit, and demonstrate a commitment to undergraduate education and research. $4,000 stipend, membership in ASPB, $700 in support for the materials, and $575 to support student travel.

INSPIRE U2 REU Program – Spelman College
Deadline: March 15, 2022
The Increasing Statistical Preparation in Research Education for Underrepresented Undergraduates (INSPIRE U2) program is designed to expose rising first current first year and sophomore female students to statistical programs and analytical techniques with the goal of increasing student interest in advanced degree programs in the quantitative fields. Selected students will receive a stipend and travel costs. 

• Apply Now for Summer 2022 Undergraduate Research Experiences (REUs)

Interested in spending the summer engaged in an exciting research project or a formal REU program? With February fast approaching, now is the time to prepare your materials and request letters of recommendation in order to apply for summer research opportunities including those listed below with late January, February and early March deadlines. To help you submit the strongest possible applications, check out OUR’s winter and spring online workshops, including sessions on Finding Summer Research Opportunities, Applying & Interviewing for Summer Research Opportunities and Letters of Recommendation: Who and How to Ask.

COVID-19 Note: All summer programs are closely following developments related to coronavirus in order to react quickly to changing situations. Many programs expect to host in-person activities 2022, but others have made the decision to be fully virtual. Check the individual program websites for updates and information on vaccine requirements. 

REU in Mathematics at California State University-San Bernardino 
Deadline: January 31, 2022
Students in this 8-week program execute guided independent and collaborative research in the fields of Geometry and Knot Theory. The program is designed for students majoring in mathematics. $4,800 stipend and housing costs are provided.

Aquatic Science, Engineering, and Technology REU at Clarkson University
Deadline: February 1, 2022
The Aquatic Science, Engineering, and Technology (ASET) REU program is a 10-week immersive research experience exposing eight undergraduates per year to authentic aquatic The research focuses on the Great Lakes and Hudson River basin research and includes an integrative learning community through research, seminars, professional development, and social activities Program participants will receive a $6,000 stipend and on-campus housing. Students from underrepresented groups in the sciences, veterans, disabled, or are early in their undergraduate coursework (rising sophomores or juniors) are especially encouraged to apply

Van Andel Institute Undergraduate Student Research Internship Program
Deadline: February 1, 2022
The Summer internship program pairs undergrads with a scientific investigator for an intense 10-week research experience. Students gain an understanding of research methods, instruments, and testing procedures in addition to valuable interpersonal and presentation skills. Applicants must have completed at least one year of higher education (minimum 24 credit hours) and be enrolled in a science-related degree program. Pay rate is based on number of credit hours completed.  

Building Diversity in Biomedical Sciences – Summer Research Program at Tufts University School of Medicine
Deadline: February 15, 2022
The Building Diversity in Biomedical Sciences (BDBS) Program offers a 10-week, mentored research experience for students interested in pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD. Participants in the program will receive training in written and oral communication of scientific data and learn about careers in biomedical science through workshops.

REU in Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biodesign (B3) at the City College of New York (CUNY)
Deadline: February 15, 2022
This 10-week summer research experience matches 10 students with faculty in the Departments of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Biology, and Physics, Biomedical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. Prior research experience is not required. Participants receive a $6,000 stipend. Applications from students who are members of under-represented groups or from economically under-resourced backgrounds are especially welcome.

Materials Research Science and Engineering Center REU at Northwestern University
Deadline: February 19, 2022
REU students will have the opportunity to contribute to a research project led by a center faculty member expanding their science and engineering experience. Students with an interest in nanomaterials and majoring in a science or engineering field are encouraged to apply for this 9-week REU program. Participants receive a $5,000 stipend, a travel allowance, and on-campus housing.

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences REU Program 
Deadline: February 15, 2022
This highly competitive, 10-week REU program pairs students with scientist mentors for a hands-on, independent research experience. Student applicants should have a minimum of one year of basic biology and at least one earth or ocean science course. Housing and $6,000 stipend provided.

Molecular Biology REU at the Ohio State University
Deadline: February 15, 2022
This NSF-funded research program is hosted by the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Genetics at Ohio State. Students will engage in research, focusing on the use of model organisms and molecular biology techniques to address fundamental questions in biology. Program participants will receive a $6,000 stipend. Students from groups historically underrepresented in the sciences are encouraged to apply.

Maryland Sea Grant REU Program
Deadline: February 19, 2022
Fifteen students are selected to conduct marine research on the Chesapeake Bay at one of two University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences laboratories. This 12-week REU is designed for students majoring in marine science, ecology, environmental science, biology and chemistry. Preference is given to students who are rising seniors. $7,200 stipend and housing costs are provided.

REU in Materials Physics at Georgetown University 
Deadline: February 19, 2022
This 10-week summer research program allows undergraduates to engage in a focused research project in materials physics, working closely with a faculty mentor and other researchers. Available projects include experimental, computational, and theoretical work in nanoscale physics, soft matter, device physics, biophysics, and cold-atom systems. $6,000 stipend and housing in an on-campus residence hall are provided.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Oceanography – University of Rhode Island
Deadline: February 21, 2022
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships in Oceanography program is a 10-week research experience designed for science, math, and engineering students and primarily targets students who are completing their junior year. The program emphasizes the quantitative aspects of Oceanography; many projects involve fluid dynamics, marine geophysics, or numerical/physical modeling. $6,000 stipend.

Smart Manufacturing REU at Drexel University
Deadline: March 1, 2022
This goal of this 9-week SMREU is to provide hands-on experience in cutting-edge research relevant to smart manufacturing to undergraduate students. Smart Manufacturing refers to using advanced data analytics, computational methods, and automation to improve efficiency, productivity, and cost across processes, factories, and entire supply chains. $5,500 stipend and on-campus housing provided to program participants.

Physics Undergraduate Research Program at Lehigh University
Deadline: March 4, 2022
Undergraduate physics and related majors currently in their sophomore or junior year are invited to apply for this 10-week program. The Lehigh Physics Undergraduate Research Program is intended for students who plan to pursue graduate study in physics or related fields. Possible research areas include astrophysics, atomic and molecular physics, high energy theory, nuclear/particle physics and photonics and nonlinear optics. $6,000 stipend and housing provided. 


• Deadlines Approaching for Summer 2022 Research Opportunities

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get valuable research experience this summer. Undergraduate students who are interested in participating in a summer research program should be preparing applications and requesting letters of recommendation now! Check out the following summer research programs with January and early February deadlines.

COVID-19 Note: Many programs are planning for in-person activities in summer 2022, but please check the individual program websites for updates. 

Summer Internships in Science and Technology (SIST) – Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
Deadline: January 11, 2022
Fermilab’s SIST program offers 12-week summer internships in science and technology. Internships available in physics, engineering (mechanical, electrical and computer), materials science, mathematics and computer science offer a chance for students to conduct research with Fermilab scientists and engineers. Hourly pay ranges from $15.84/hr-$25.00/hr depending on your year in school. This internship will be either virtual or in-person, and will be decided closer to the internship start date.

University of Buffalo, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences – Summer Undergraduate Research Experience
Deadline: January 15, 2022
The School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences offers a summer undergraduate research program for students in their sophomore year or later at the time of application. Some level of previous research experience is recommended. Offers extended to only 6-8 students; $3,500 stipend and housing provided.

NORC Summer Intern Program – University of Chicago 
Deadline: January 22, 2022, 5pm CT
This 9-week paid summer internship is designed for senior undergraduate students with an interest in social science research. Students must be graduating prior to the start of this internship in June 2022. The program will be fully virtual in summer 2022. The program introduces interns to the design, implementation and analysis of large surveys. Students will have the opportunity to learn the principles of survey research from leading practitioners while exploring recent innovations in data collection techniques and the integration of survey data with other types of data.

REU Program in Solar and Space Physics – University of Colorado Boulder
Deadline: January 23, 2022
This 10-week summer REU program targets students with an interest in solar and space physics. Students work under the direction of scientists from one of a number of participating institutions that are part of the Boulder Solar Alliance. The program may move to a virtual format depending on status of public health situation. $600/week stipend plus housing stipend provided.

NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) – Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
Deadline: January 26, 2022
This 8-week summer internship program is targeted at rising seniors with a strong background in any of the physical, chemical, or biological sciences, mathematics or engineering and an interest in applying their background to the study of the Earth system. Research areas include atmospheric chemistry, air quality, forest ecology, and ocean biology. SARP participants (24-32 students) will acquire hands-on research experience using one or more NASA Airborne Science Program flying science laboratories. Stipend of $5,000 plus funding to cover travel to Califorina.

SAO REU Summer Intern Program
Deadline: January 31, 2022
The SAO Summer intern program is a research experience for undergraduates where 11 students work on an astrophysics research project under the supervision of an SAO or Harvard scientist. Undergraduates interested in astronomy, astrophysics, physics, or related physical sciences are encouraged to apply. The 10-week program will take place at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics although the program may move to a fully virtual program depending on public health situation. Stipend of $600/week.

NSF-REU Internships in Astronomy – Maria Mitchell Observatory
Deadline: February 1, 2022
Six REU internship positions are available for qualified undergraduate astronomy and physics students. These positions provide students the opportunity to conduct independent research supervised by a senior staff member of MMO. $2,000 per month stipend and housing provided.

Pediatric Oncology Education (POE) Program – St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Deadline: February 1, 2022 (preferred January 1, 2022)
This program provides a 10/11 week training experience in either laboratory research or clinical research. Students will be matched with a faculty mentor and will participate in the mentor’s ongoing research projects. There is a possibility that this program will be in person, and if this is the case, the COVID-19 vaccine will be a requirement of participation. Applicants should indicate particular skills and experience that would be helpful for remote projects (e.g. bioinformatics, MATLAB, R or python programming, biostatistics or epidemiology software, image processing, etc). Qualified students with an interest in cancer research are encouraged to apply. $400/week stipend provided to selected students.

Summer Undergraduate Research Program – Gerstner Sloan Kettering
Deadline: February 1, 2022
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Memorial Sloan Kettering sponsors a 10-week summer research program for undergraduate students who are interested in the biomedical sciences. This is a competitive program that accepts 20 students. Applicants must have research experience. It is anticipated that this internship will be held in-person, but a final determination about virtual versus in-person will be made in the spring. $6,000 stipend and housing provided.

State University of New York Upstate Medical University – Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program
Deadline: February 1, 2022<
Applicants to this 10-week program should be undergraduate students in good academic standing, who will be between their junior and senior years during the summer of 2022, and are majors in chemistry, biology, or a related field. Applicants should have a strong interest in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in biomedical research. $3,500 stipend and housing provided.

UCSD MSTP Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program
Deadline: February 4, 2022
The Medical Scientist Training Program at UC San Diego is designed for students interested in learning about a career as a physician-scientist. The program features an 8-week research project, weekly seminars, and a physician-scientist clinical shadowing experience. Students from groups underrepresented in health-related sciences and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Students who have completed one year at an accredited school/university, are attending a community college, or are attending a junior college (provided that they are enrolled in at least 3 academic courses per academic term and have completed at least six courses) are eligible to apply. $4,160 stipend and room provided. 

Hartford Hospital Summer Student Pre-Med & Research Program
Deadline: February 4, 2022
This 10-week program offers pre-med students an introduction to research methodology, patient treatment, and ethical issues in medicine. Applicants must be pre-med students completing their junior year by May 2022. $4,000 stipend for selected students.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Summer Student Fellowship
Deadline: February 5, 2022
The Summer Student Fellowship provides undergraduates with an interest in ocean sciences, oceanographic engineering, mathematics, or marine policy with a meaningful first-hand introduction to research in those areas. Students who have completed their junior year prior to the start of fellowship period in summer 2022 are eligible to apply. Stipend of approximately $670/week for 10-12 weeks and institutional housing provided.

• Applications Open for Summer 2022 Research Opportunities

Undergraduate students interested in participating in a summer research or internship program should plan ahead. December is the time to gather together all the required elements of the applications, including faculty letters of recommendation. Check out the exciting programs below and consider if any would fit with your research goals and interests. These opportunities have application deadlines in December or January!

COVID-19 Note: All summer programs are closely following developments related to coronavirus in order to react quickly to changing situations. Many programs are planning for in-person activities in summer 2022, but please check the individual program websites for updates.

DAAD RISE – Research Internships in Science and Engineering in Germany
Deadline: Applications are due by December 15, 2021; Letters of Reference are due by January 14,
DAAD RISE gives students in the fields of biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering, and physics the chance to spend a summer working on research projects with doctoral students at German universities and research institutions. Interested students must first register online before submitting application materials. Application materials must be submitted by December 15, 2021 (6pm EST), with letters of reference due January 14, 2022 (6pm EST).

Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program (MLEF)
Deadline: January 10, 2022;
The Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy. This 10-week summer research fellowship provides opportunities to students who are pursuing degrees in STEM fields. The mission of MLEF is strengthen a diverse pipeline of future STEM professional by increasing opportunities for minority and female students. Interested students are encouraged to attend one of the MLEF virtual information sessions (info here) where program staff will review the application process, provide resume tips and share information on other DOE research programs.

Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
Deadline: January 12, 2022 (5:00pm EST);
The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 17 participating DOE laboratories.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory – Undergraduate Research Program 2022
Deadline: January 15, 2022;
The URP program is designed to give 20 students an opportunity to conduct first-rate research under the supervision of senior laboratory staff in the areas of cancer biology, neuroscience, plant biology, cellular and molecular biology, genetics and bioinformatics, and genomics. Selected students receive room and board in addition to a $6,000 stipend.

ThinkSwiss Research Scholarships
Deadline: January 15, 2022;
ThinkSwiss scholarships support highly motivated undergraduates who are interested in doing research at a public Swiss university or research institute. The scholarship is open to students in all fields. A monthly stipend of approximately $1,600 is provided for a period of 2-3 months.

SENS Research Foundation (SRF) Summer Scholars Program
Deadline: January 21, 2022 (12pm PST);
This program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research under the guidance of a scientific mentor. Host labs will be announced shortly and will be available at the website link along with full descriptions of each research project. Stipend rates will be based upon levels used by government agencies, such as the NIH and NSF.

Summer Research Experience Program in Cancer Science – Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Deadline: January 31, 2022;
This 10-week summer research program is open to students who are college juniors or junior-equivalents (credit-wise) at the time of application and who are interested in pursuing an advanced degree towards a biomedical research career. Areas of research include, but are not limited to: cancer biophysics, tumor immunology, cancer genetics, molecular pharmacology. Selected students will be working in a Roswell Park department alongside professional researchers and graduate students. Students accepted into the NCI R25 funding source will receive a subsistence allowance of $6,000.

Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP) – Columbia University
Deadline: January 31, 2022;
The Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP) is designed for undergraduate students who are interested in public health and biomedical science careers. Applicants must have completed at least two years of college (rising juniors and seniors). Students from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Selected students will receive a stipend, housing, and round trip travel. The Summer Public Health Scholars Program is scheduled to take place in person in NYC for summer 2022, but that is subject to change. Scholars accepted in the program must be fully vaccinated to participate.

Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB)
Deadline: January 31, 2022 (5:00pm, PST)
The SUPERB Computer and Information Science and Engineering program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to work on research projects focused on using Big Data. This challenging 9-week program is open to rising juniors or seniors who have completed some upper division course work in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. Stipend of $5,000, housing, meals, and $600 travel allowance provided. Campus policy will dictate whether the program is held in-person or remote in summer 2022.

Maternal Child Health Careers/Research Initiatives for Student Enhancement – Undergraduate Program (MCHC/RISE-UP)
Deadline: January 31, 2022;
MCHC/RISE-UP provides opportunities for enhanced public leadership in the area of maternal and child health. Three tracks are offered: clinical, research, and community engagement and advocacy. This program is open to juniors, seniors, and recent baccalaureate degree scholars interested in learning more about public health. A stipend ($3,000-$3,500) and housing are provided. Summer format is subject to change based on COVID-19 pandemic status.

• Congratulations, 2021 SURF Award Recipients!

The Office of Undergraduate Research is pleased to announce the selection of 56 undergraduate students to receive SURF Awards in support of their summer undergraduate research projects.

Click here to view the full list of Summer 2021 SURF awardees.SURF logo 2

Congratulations, SURF awardees! Your curiosity, initiative, and motivation were evident in your applications. In spite of the challenges you faced this year, you have an exciting summer of deep engagement with the process of academic inquiry ahead of you. We look forward to hearing about all you learn and discover!

We thank the faculty members who supported SURF applicants in a range of roles: mentors, letter writers, and faculty review committee members. SURF represents a collaborative effort between students and faculty. This program would not be possible without the support and participation of the UConn faculty!

OUR also extends thanks to SURF supporters in the UConn community. We are grateful to the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Vice President for Research, and to the Deans of the Schools and Colleges of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources; Education; Engineering; Fine Arts; Liberal Arts and Sciences; Nursing; and Pharmacy, who all pledged funding to the SURF competition this year. Alumni, parents, and friends of UConn also helped fund SURF awards. This collaborative funding effort ensures that SURF supports a diverse array of undergraduate research endeavors. We are grateful to all of our program partners for making intensive summer research opportunities available to students seeking to enrich their undergraduate experience in this way.

Once again, congratulations to the recipients of 2021 SURF awards, and good luck with your summer projects!

• Summer Research Opportunities Accepting Applications

Undecided about how to spend your summer? Consider an undergraduate research program or research internship hosted by a research institute or university. Many summer research programs and internships, including those listed below, are still accepting applications, some through mid March. There is still time to prepare a personal statement, gather application materials, and secure letters of recommendation. To help you prepare the strongest possible application, attend one of OUR’s online workshops on Applying for Summer Research Programs and Letters of Recommendation: Who and How to Ask.

COVID-19 Note: All summer programs are closely following developments related to coronavirus in order to react quickly to changing situations. Many programs expect to resume in-person activities as planned in 2021, but others have made the decision to be fully virtual. Check the individual program websites for updates. 

Molecular and Synthetic Microbiology REU – University of Georgia
Deadline: February 19, 2021
Selected students will conduct independent research projects in cutting-edge laboratories mentored by UGA faculty and graduate students. Research topics address the diverse functions of bacteria, archaea, fungi, and other microbes. $5,175 stipend and a $500 food allowance provided.

Mountain Lake Biological Station, University of Virginia, REU Program – Ecology, Evolution, and Behavioral Field Research
Deadline: February 20, 2021
The MLBS REU program is a 10-week summer program provides students the opportunity to conduct guided, but independent, original research in field biology. Visit the REU website for information on specific REU projects and mentors; the program support 10 students each summer. $6,000 stipend, room and board provided.

Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program (MAOP) Undergraduate Summer Research Internship – Virginia Tech
Deadline: 5pm EST, February 22, 2021
This program provides undergraduates from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Wide variety of academic disciplines; $3,000 stipend, free on-campus room and board. Applicants should be rising sophomores and juniors.

Brookings Institution Internship Program
Deadline: February 28, 2021
The Brookings Internship Program provides undergraduates the opportunity to learn new skills by working with Brookings’ staff in a variety of research areas – Economic Studies, Foreign Policy, Global Economy and Development, Governance Studies and Metropolitan Policy. Three types of internships are offered – paid, academic for credit, and external sponsorship.

University of Massachusetts Boston – REU in Integrative and Evolutionary Biology
Deadline: March 1, 2021
This 10-week program offers students the opportunity to carry out an independent research project under the direction of a faculty advisor and research group. Sample research topics: marine community biodiversity and ecosystem function, amphibian microbiome and disease ecology, ecological genomics of plants, and biodiversity and ecoinformatics. Applicants should have completed at least one semester of college-level biology. $6,000 stipend.

Loyola Adventures in Urobiome Data (LAUD) Summer Research Program
Deadline: March 1, 2021
The 8-week LAUD program will be held virtually in summer 2021. Selected student researchers will gain exposure to current research areas in benign urologic disease, conduct hypothesis-driven research, and develop the skills to synthesize, interpret, and present their scientific research. Applicants should have completed genetics or cell biology along with a statistics course. $3,250 stipend. 

American Student Placements in Rehabilitation Engineering (ASPIRE) REU Program – University of Pittsburgh
Deadline: March 12, 2021
ASPIRE is a 10-week research program that focuses on rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology. This program will be offered virtually in summer 2021. Students indicate their top three projects choices on their application. Selected students receive a $4,750 stipend.

INSPIRE U2 REU Program – Spelman College
Deadline: March 15, 2021
The Increasing Statistical Preparation in Research Education for Underrepresented Undergraduates (INSPIRE U2) program is designed to expose rising sophomore female students to statistical programs and analytical techniques with the goal of increasing student interest in advanced degree programs in the quantitative fields. Note that the summer 2021 program will be virtual. Selected students will receive a $4,000 stipend.

American Society of Plant Biologists – Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Deadline: March 28, 2021
The ASPB Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships fund undergraduate students so they can conduct research in plant biology early in their college career. SURF recipients must present their research at ASPB’s annual Plant Biology meeting in the year following the fellowship award. Students may work with a mentor at their own institution or at another institution. Mentors must be a member of ASPB, have an ongoing research program of high scientific merit, and demonstrate a commitment to undergraduate education and research. $4,000 stipend, membership in ASPB and $700 in support for the mentor. 

• Apply Now for Summer 2021 Undergraduate Research Experiences (REUs)

Interested in spending the summer engaged in an exciting research project or a formal REU program? With February fast approaching, now is the time to prepare your materials and request letters of recommendation in order to apply for summer research opportunities including those listed below with February deadlines. To help you submit the strongest possible applications, check out OUR’s winter and spring online workshops, including sessions on Applying for Summer Research Programs and Letters of Recommendation: Who and How to Ask.

COVID-19 Note: All summer programs are closely following developments related to coronavirus in order to react quickly to changing situations. Many programs expect to resume in-person activities as planned in 2021, but others have made the decision to be fully virtual. Check the individual program websites for updates. Due to continued uncertainties about the occupancy of laboratories and regional travel restrictions, the Amgen Scholars Program will not accept applications for summer 2021.

Van Andel Institute Undergraduate Student Research Internship Program
Deadline: February 1, 2021
The Summer internship program pairs undergrads with a scientific investigator for an intense 10-week research experience. Students gain an understanding of research methods, instruments, and testing procedures in addition to valuable interpersonal and presentation skills. Applicants must have completed at least one year of higher education (minimum 24 credit hours) and be enrolled in a science-related degree program. Pay rate is based on number of credit hours completed.  

REU in Mathematics at California State University-San Bernardino 
Deadline: February 11, 2021
Students in this 8-week program execute guided independent and collaborative research in the fields of Geometry and Knot Theory. The program is designed for students majoring in mathematics. $4,800 stipend and housing costs are provided.

Materials Research Science and Engineering Center REU at Northwestern University
Deadline: February 12, 2021
REU students will have the opportunity to contribute to a research project led by a center faculty member expanding their science and engineering experience. Students with an interest in nanomaterials and majoring in a science or engineering field are encouraged to apply for this 9-week REU program. Participants receive a $4,500 stipend, a travel allowance, and on-campus housing.

BIT SURE: BIoTechnology-based Sequencing-based Undergraduate Research Experience at North Carolina State University
Deadline: February 14, 2021
The BIT SURE program funds ten undergraduates to work on research projects that utilize next-generation sequencing (NGS) tools. This 10-week program includes professional development and science outreach components as well. Note that the summer 2021 BIT SURE program will be entirely virtual. $5,500 stipend and housing provided.

Building Diversity in Biomedical Sciences – Summer Research Program at Tufts University School of Medicine
Deadline: February 15, 2021
The Building Diversity in Biomedical Sciences (BDBS) Program offers a 10-week, mentored research experience for students interested in pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD. Participants in the program will receive training in written and oral communication of scientific data and learn about careers in biomedical science through workshops. The 2021 program will be fully online, but a stipend will be provided.

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences REU Program 
Deadline: February 15, 2021
This highly competitive, 10-week REU program pairs students with scientist mentors for a hands-on, independent research experience. Student applicants should have a minimum of one year of basic biology and at least one earth or ocean science course. Housing and $5,000 stipend provided.

Molecular Biology REU at the Ohio State University
Deadline: February 15, 2021
This NSF-funded research program is hosted by the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Genetics at Ohio State. Students will engage in research, focusing on the use of model organisms and molecular biology techniques to address fundamental questions in biology. Program participants will receive a $6,000 stipend. Students from groups historically underrepresented in the sciences are encouraged to apply.

Maryland Sea Grant REU Program
Deadline: February 19, 2021
Fifteen students are selected to conduct marine research on the Chesapeake Bay at one of two University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences laboratories. This 12-week REU is designed for students majoring in marine science, ecology, environmental science, biology and chemistry. Preference is given to students who are rising seniors. A decision regarding program format (in-person, remote, or hybrid) will be made in late March. $7,200 stipend and housing costs are provided.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Oceanography – University of Rhode Island
Deadline: February 21, 2021
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships in Oceanography program is a 10-week research experience designed for science, math, and engineering students and primarily targets students who are completing their junior year. The program emphasizes the quantitative aspects of Oceanography; many projects involve fluid dynamics, marine geophysics, or numerical/physical modeling. $6,000 stipend.

• Deadlines Approaching for Summer 2021 Research Opportunities

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get valuable research experience this summer. Undergraduate students who are interested in participating in a summer research program should be preparing applications and requesting letters of recommendation now! Check out the following summer research programs with January and early February deadlines.

COVID-19 Note: All summer programs are closely following developments related to coronavirus in order to react quickly to changing situations. Many programs expect to resume in-person activities as planned in 2021, but please check the individual program websites for updates. Due to continued uncertainties about the occupancy of laboratories and regional travel restrictions, the Amgen Scholars Program will not accept applications for summer 2021.

Summer Internships in Science and Technology (SIST) – Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
Deadline: January 12, 2021
Fermilab’s SIST program offers 12-week summer internships in science and technology. Internships available in physics, engineering (mechanical, electrical and computer), materials science, mathematics and computer science offer a chance for students to conduct research with Fermilab scientists and engineers. Hourly pay ranges from $15.83/hr-$20.56/hr depending on your year in school. The program may move to a virtual format with a decision to be made at a later date.

University of Buffalo, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences – Summer Undergraduate Research Experience
Deadline: January 15, 2021
The School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences offers a summer undergraduate research program for students in their sophomore year or later at the time of application. Some level of previous research experience is recommended. Offers extended to only 6-8 students; $3,500 stipend and housing provided.

NORC Summer Intern Program – University of Chicago 
Deadline: January 22, 2021, 5pm CT
This 9-week paid summer internship is designed for upper level undergraduate students with an interest in social science research. The program will be fully virtual in summer 2021. The program introduces interns to the design, implementation and analysis of large surveys. Students will have the opportunity to learn the principles of survey research from leading practitioners while exploring recent innovations in data collection techniques and the integration of survey data with other types of data.

NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) – Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
Deadline: January 27, 2021
This 8-week summer internship program is targeted at rising seniors with a strong background in any of the physical, chemical, or biological sciences, mathematics or engineering and an interest in applying their background to the study of the Earth system. Research areas include atmospheric chemistry, air quality, forest ecology, and ocean biology. SARP participants will acquire hands-on research experience using one or more NASA Airborne Science Program flying science laboratories.

Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies – Summer REU Program in Translational Ecology
Deadline: January 29, 2021
Cary Institute’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program provides the opportunity for 8-12 students each summer to conduct ecology research at a world-class institute. For summer 2021, the program will be hybrid or 100% virtual (decision TBD). Students selected for this 10-week program receive a $5,500 stipend; a room and board allowance will vary based on where students will be living (remote field site versus home).

UCSD MSTP Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program
Deadline: January 31, 2021
The Medical Scientist Training Program at UC San Diego is designed for students interested in learning about a career as a physician-scientist. The program features an 8-week research project, weekly seminars, and a physician-scientist clinical shadowing experience. Students from groups underrepresented in health-related sciences and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds are encouraged to apply. $3,200 stipend and room provided. 

NSF-REU Internships in Astronomy – Maria Mitchell Observatory
Deadline: February 1, 2021
Six REU internship positions are available for qualified undergraduate astronomy and physics students. These positions provide students the opportunity to conduct independent research supervised by a senior staff member of MMO. $2,000 per month stipend and housing provided.

Pediatric Oncology Education (POE) Program – St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Deadline: February 1, 2021
This program provides a short-term training experience in either laboratory research or clinical research. Students will be matched with a faculty mentor and will participate in the mentor’s ongoing research projects. It is likely that the 2021 program will be primarily virtual. Applicants should indicate particular skills and experience that would be helpful for remote projects (e.g. bioinformatics, MATLAB, R or python programming, biostatistics or epidemiology software, image processing, etc). Qualified students with an interest in cancer research are encouraged to apply. $400/week stipend provided to selected students.

SAO REU Summer Intern Program (pending funding approval)
Deadline: February 1, 2021
The SAO Summer intern program is a research experience for undergraduates where students work on an astrophysics research project under the supervision of an SAO or Harvard scientist. Undergraduates interested in astronomy, astrophysics, physics, or related physical sciences are encouraged to apply. The 10-week program takes place at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics although the program may move to a fully virtual program depending on public health situation. Stipend of $600/week.

Summer Undergraduate Research Program – Gerstner Sloan Kettering
Deadline: February 1, 2021
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Memorial Sloan Kettering sponsors a 10-week summer research program for undergraduate students who are interested in the biomedical sciences. This is a competitive program that accepts 20 students. Applicants must have research experience. $6,000 stipend and housing provided.

REU Program in Solar and Space Physics – University of Colorado Boulder
Deadline: February 1, 2021
This 10-week summer REU program targets students with an interest in solar and space physics. Students work under the direction of scientists from one of a number of participating institutions that are part of the Boulder Solar Alliance. The program may move to a virtual format depending on status of public health situation. $500/week stipend plus housing/food stipend provided.

State University of New York Upstate Medical University – Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program
Deadline: February 1, 2021<
Applicants to this 10-week program should be undergraduate students in good academic standing, who will be between their junior and senior years during the summer of 2021, and are majors in chemistry, biology, or a related field. Applicants should have a strong interest in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in biomedical research. $3,500 stipend and housing provided.

Hartford Hospital Summer Student Pre-Med & Research Program
Deadline: February 5, 2021
This 10-week program offers pre-med students an introduction to research methodology, patient treatment, and ethical issues in medicine. Applicants must be pre-med students completing their junior year by May 2021. $4,000 stipend for selected students.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Summer Student Fellowship
Deadline: February 5, 2021
The Summer Student Fellowship provides undergraduates with an interest in ocean sciences, oceanographic engineering, mathematics, or marine policy with a meaningful first-hand introduction to research in those areas. Students who have completed their junior year prior to the start of fellowship period in summer 2021 are eligible to apply. Stipend of approximately $650/week for 10-12 weeks and institutional housing provided.