Student Research Blog

Why I Got Involved in Research

By Lily Zhong, Peer Research AmbassadorWhy I Got Involved in Research. By PRA Lily.

So you’ve heard UConn is an R1 research institute with boundless opportunities to get involved in undergraduate research, but a few questions start to pile up and overwhelm you: how do I know if research is right for me, how do I know what I’m interested in, what will I be learning, what even is research? If you’re anything like me, these were all questions I asked myself as an eager incoming first-year student with no prior experience in research. While my story may not be, and most likely is not the exact same experience as the next undergraduate researcher, I’m hoping that sharing a bit about my research adventure will shed light on some of the ways research can transform your undergraduate career. Continue reading

Leveraging Your Research When Applying for Jobs

Leveraging Your Research When Applying for Jobs. By PRA Maria.By Maria Latta, Peer Research Ambassador

As the summer approaches, many of us are looking toward job and internship applications. If you are engaging in undergraduate research or creative projects, how can you use them to get a job or internship that doesn’t involved research? Often times students apply for jobs or internships related to their major or future career that don’t specifically include a research component. That doesn’t mean you can’t highlight the transferable skills that you have developed through undergraduate research in resumes and interviews to ultimately land you an offer. Continue reading

Research-Related Activities to Engage in During Closures

Research Related Activities to Engage in During Closures. By PRA Mary.By Mary Vlamis, Peer Research Ambassador

Since you are browsing through the UConn Office of Undergraduate Research webpage, I will assume you have intellectual curiosity. If learning new things and investigating fascinating issues excite you, you may be finding ways to keep your mind stimulated while you are stuck at home for an indefinite amount of time. I know I am nervous about having nothing to do besides online classes…even my research is on hold due to COVID-19, as I’m sure many of your projects are too. Have no fear, my fellow nerds, I have a few suggestions for you! Continue reading

Preparing for and Overcoming Roadblocks

Preparing for and Overcoming RoadblocksBy Ian Sands, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

The beginning stages of research primarily consist of planning. That planning may pertain to a variety of things such as budget, timeline, procedure, and even how you plan to communicate the findings of your study. What may be most important to consider, however, is the inevitable reality that no research plan goes perfectly as planned a majority of the time. These research complications may come in many forms, ranging from the classic inconvenient delay of supply delivery all the way to a less common sudden campus closure due to a global pandemic. Whatever the roadblock is, every researcher must maintain patience, adaptability, and resilience to overcome the complications they are experiencing.

Here, I will talk a little about the types of roadblocks you may experience as a researcher and the methods I have developed to continue progress during these times. Continue reading

Utilizing Your Research in the Graduate School Admissions Process

Utilizing Your Research in the Graduate School Admissions Process. By PRA Abigail.By Abigail LaFontan, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

Applying to graduate school can be an intimidating process, but learning to use your research as a tool can boost your confidence and the power of your application or interview. I just finished applying to and receiving decisions from several law schools so, with my personal experience fresh in mind, I’m going to highlight some of the factors, related to my research experience, that I found to be most important during the graduate school application process. Continue reading

Three Easy Ways to Be an Ideal Social Science Research Assistant Candidate

Three Easy Ways to Be an Ideal Social Science Research Assistant Candidate. By PRA Mary.By Mary Vlamis, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

So you are interested in doing undergraduate research in the social sciences. You’ve taken a few introductory courses, a topic has sparked your interest, and you want to be a part of the creation of knowledge! Woohoo! Now what do you do? You’ll find tips and tricks on contacting faculty and networking on the Office of Undergraduate Research website under the student section. Running parallel to the process of finding a research opportunity is the process of developing skills to contribute to a research project. These three tips will help you stand out as a potential research assistant because they will show that you are dedicated to becoming a helpful part of the research process: Continue reading

Beyond the Lab: Conducting Social Science Research

Beyond the Lab: Conducting Social Science Research. By PRA Shreya.By Shreya Murthy, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

When I tell people that I am doing research, I usually get asked, “which lab are you in?” My response is always, “my lab is my backpack!” For many social science researchers, this is typical, as their research usually requires a very powerful laptop and a notebook. This presents some advantages and challenges to researchers. Continue reading

Writing an Academic Paper as an Undergraduate Researcher

Writing an Academic Paper as an Undergraduate Researcher. By PRA Ariane.By Ariane Garrett, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

Publishing papers is the primary way that scientific knowledge is disseminated within the academic community. Therefore an essential part of becoming a successful researcher is learning how to write an academic paper. Throughout your undergraduate research career you may or may not have the opportunity to be published. Regardless, learning how academic papers are written is useful knowledge for anyone interested in pursuing a research career. Continue reading