Student Research Blog

Three Easy Ways to Be an Ideal Social Science Research Assistant Candidate

Three Easy Ways to Be an Ideal Social Science Research Assistant Candidate. By PRA Mary.By Mary Vlamis, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

So you are interested in doing undergraduate research in the social sciences. You’ve taken a few introductory courses, a topic has sparked your interest, and you want to be a part of the creation of knowledge! Woohoo! Now what do you do? You’ll find tips and tricks on contacting faculty and networking on the Office of Undergraduate Research website under the student section. Running parallel to the process of finding a research opportunity is the process of developing skills to contribute to a research project. These three tips will help you stand out as a potential research assistant because they will show that you are dedicated to becoming a helpful part of the research process: Continue reading

Beyond the Lab: Conducting Social Science Research

Beyond the Lab: Conducting Social Science Research. By PRA Shreya.By Shreya Murthy, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

When I tell people that I am doing research, I usually get asked, “which lab are you in?” My response is always, “my lab is my backpack!” For many social science researchers, this is typical, as their research usually requires a very powerful laptop and a notebook. This presents some advantages and challenges to researchers. Continue reading

Writing an Academic Paper as an Undergraduate Researcher

Writing an Academic Paper as an Undergraduate Researcher. By PRA Ariane.By Ariane Garrett, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

Publishing papers is the primary way that scientific knowledge is disseminated within the academic community. Therefore an essential part of becoming a successful researcher is learning how to write an academic paper. Throughout your undergraduate research career you may or may not have the opportunity to be published. Regardless, learning how academic papers are written is useful knowledge for anyone interested in pursuing a research career. Continue reading

Setbacks in Your Project? We’ve All Been There

Setbacks in Your Project? We've All Been There. By PRA Maria.By Maria Latta, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

Whether you are working on lab work, human subjects research, an outreach project, or a creative endeavor, you have probably faced at least one setback along the way. I certainly have. Some of the challenges I have faced are: my experiments produced results that didn’t support my hypothesis, my IRB approval was delayed and required revisions, the organizations I partnered with underwent changes that impacted the timeline of my project, and I have just had mental blocks on how to move forward. Continue reading

Making the Most of Your Research Experience

Making the Most of Your Research Experience. By PRA Kavita.By Kavita Rana, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

Research is a long and rigorous process and typically requires patience and determination, but it is also rewarding and helps students gain knowledge in their fields of interest. At the end of the day, your research experience is what you make of it. As you dive into research, I’d like to share a few tips I’ve learned along the way that have helped me make the most of my research experiences and shape my own research career. Continue reading

Preparing for Your First Research Conference

Preparing for Your First Research Conference. By PRA Ian.By Ian Sands, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

Conference presentations are an essential part of any research community. Whatever field you end up doing research in, attending conferences allow laboratories to communicate their recent projects, obtain feedback from their peers, and remain informed regarding up and coming technologies that are gaining attention within that respective field. On top of that, these events allow you to represent your lab and network yourself to other interested parties for potential collaborations. With all this in mind, it’s important to take time to prepare in order to set yourself up for success and represent your research well. Continue reading

5 Ways to Set Yourself up for Success

By Grace Nichols, OUR Peer Research Ambassador

5 Ways to Set Yourself up for Success. By PRA Grace.So you’ve heard of research, and you know that it’s happening at UConn. Maybe you have friends that work in labs, your professors have mentioned their work in lectures, or you stopped by to see the poster presentations at Frontiers in Undergraduate Research. Whatever your exposure, research sounds exciting and important, and now you want to get involved, too! Continue reading