Peer Research Ambassador Chloé Zampetti

Peer Research Ambassador Chloe Zampetti '22.

Chloé (she/her/hers) is senior Natural Resources major with a concentration in Environmental Sustainability and Conservation in the Honors Program. On campus, Chloé is the Vice President of UConn Take Back the Tap, a CAHNR Ambassador, and works at UConnRec. After graduation, she plans to serve for two years abroad as a Peace Corps Volunteer and hopes to continue her education in pursuit of a graduate degree in Sustainability Management upon her return.

Chloé came to UConn as an Undecided major in the ACES program. Though she always had a passion for environmental conservation, it never occurred to her that she could pave a career path out of it. She took a wide variety of classes from physics to anthropology before finally enrolling in NRE 1000 Environmental Science. There she was connected to faculty and students that provided insight on the Natural Resources major and assisted her in the declaration process.

During her sophomore year, Chloé was connected with Dr. Brandt’s Ecotoxicology Lab through her academic advisor. As a first semester junior, Chloé became an Undergraduate Researcher in the lab and built a database with existing data on Selenium and Mercury interactions in fish. This project helped her lay a solid foundation of knowledge on the existing body of ecotoxicology literature, how a lab operates, and the overall research process.

The summer before her senior year, Chloé received a UConn IDEA Grant funding to carry out her research on the impacts of Selenium and Mercury on fish health, a project she will be presenting in the Fall Frontiers Exhibition. She is very excited to spend her last year at UConn as a Peer Research Ambassador and would love to help other students get the research ball rolling or discuss her experience with anyone interested. Feel free to reach out to her!

Student Research Blog Posts by Chloe: