Peer Research Ambassador Grace Vaidian

OUR Peer Research Ambassador Grace Vaidian '24, Majors: Molecular & Cell Biology, IMJR: Drug, Disease, & Illness.

Grace (she/her/hers) is a senior on the pre-medical track double majoring in Molecular & Cell Biology and an individualized major titled “Drugs, Disease, and Illness”. She is a member of the UConn Honors STEM Scholar Program. On campus she serves as the Vice President for Women in Math Science and Engineering Club, as well as the External Affairs / Panel Coordinator for Global Health Spaces on Campus. In addition to being a Peer Research Ambassador, she also volunteers as a crisis counselor for Crisis Text Line - which is a platform that provides support for those going through mental health crises.

For Grace, her love for research started in high school where she competed and placed at science competitions with her own research projects. Her specific research interests include neuropsychology and drug use/abuse.  Beginning her freshman at UConn, Grace started collaborating with Dr. Nathaniel Rickles from the Pharmacy Department- eventually becoming part of a project in partnership with St. Francis Hospital that revolves around medication adherence. She received an OUR Research Travel Award to commute to Asylum Hill Family Medical Center for this research for the summer of 2022. Additionally, since fall of 2022 Grace has been a member of Dr. John Salamone’s lab which focuses on neuropsychopharmacology research. She is planning on completing her Honors Laureate thesis through a project with Dr. Salamone.

Research has been a huge part of Grace’s life for the past eight years. She is excited to share her knowledge and experience with other students and help them navigate research at the University of Connecticut. If you have any questions regarding getting involved in research, the application process for research funding, or just want advice, get in contact with Grace!

Student Research Blog Posts by Grace