Peer Research Ambassador Emily Saccuzzo

Emily Saccuzzo

Hi! I'm currently a senior chemistry major and MCB minor here at UConn and I conduct my undergraduate research with Dr. Jessica Rouge in the chemistry department. My current research project involves the functionalization of nanoparticles with RNA aptamers for therapeutic purposes. I got involved in my lab during the middle of my sophomore year. I had a few friends working in research labs at the time who really enjoyed what they were doing so I decided to pursue research myself. I spent many hours reading through various professor profiles on the chemistry website until I had finally narrowed it down to my top choices. It was both a stressful and rewarding process!

Throughout my past few semesters and summers in my research lab I have developed into both a more confident and independent scientist. Getting involved in undergrad research was one of the best choices that I've made here at UConn. The experience has helped me to solidify my love for chemistry and helped me to feel confident in my decision to pursue a PhD in chemistry after graduation. I If you are interested in having a similar experience I encourage you to look into undergraduate research for yourself and please contact me with any questions you may have

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