Peer Research Ambassador Michela Brown

OUR Peer Research Ambassador Michela Brown '25, Major: Molecular & Cell Biology; Minor: Animal Science.Michela (she/her/hers) is a senior honors student majoring in Biology with a minor in Animal Science and Molecular and Cell Biology. Her research interests include genetics, animal growth and development. On campus she is a Head Cashier at the UConn Bookstore, participates in the Pre-Vet club, and does community service in different areas in Connecticut.

In her sophomore year, Michela started working as an undergraduate research assistant in Dr. Kristen E. Govoni's lab in animal science, under the guidance of Dr. Nicole Tillquist, a Postdoctoral researcher. She has worked in the lab focusing on identifying epigenetic differences found in the liver of the male offspring of sheep. The goal of the lab group is to identify any differences to help improve the health and production in livestock. Michela has also been spending time Dr. Rachel O’Neill’s lab in Molecular and Cell Biology to gain more experience and learn new techniques outside of animal science.

Michela is a McNair Scholar, and in the spring semester of her sophomore year was selected as a Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC). She has stayed on campus the past two summers to work on her research project through the MARC program and was able to present her findings at a conference in San Diego and at other symposiums.

This school year Michela will be applying to graduate schools with the aims of getting her doctorate in genetics, with a focus on developmental biology. She was happy to find a passion in research at UConn and can’t wait to make more memories and experiences through her final year!

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  • Undergraduate students can submit this form to request a peer advising meeting with PRA Michela.
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