Graduate Student Mentorship Excellence Award Nomination

Please use this form to nominate a graduate student mentor for a Mentorship Excellence Award.

"*" indicates required fields

Student and Mentor Information

Your Name*
Your Anticipated Year of Graduation*
Mentor's Name*
Graduate Degree Mentor is Pursuing*

Please indicate the name of the faculty member who advises/supervises this graduate student.
For example, "She was my day-to-day supervisor for independent studies in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024, then worked closely with me on a UConn IDEA Grant project in Summer 2024."

Nomination Disclosure

Your comments will be shared with your mentor and his/her advisor or supervisor. Student testimonials regarding excellence in mentorship can be useful for such purposes as job applications, fellowship applications, and teaching portfolios. You may elect for your comments to be anonymous when they are shared beyond the review committee by responding affirmatively to the question below.
I would prefer that my nomination be kept anonymous.*
If you select "yes," the review committee will see your name, but it will not be shared outside the review committee. Please note that if your mentor is selected for this award, some of your comments may be used during the award ceremony, but your name will not be disclosed.


Maximum 2500 characters.
Maximum 2500 characters. You may wish to reference the description of outstanding mentorship to help you identify examples that illustrate different facets of mentorship excellence.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.