Conference Presentation Award – Research Experience Completion Form

Please complete this form to reflect on your presentation experience. You will receive a copy of your responses at the email address you list below. A copy will also be sent to your research advisor for his/her review.

  • Briefly summarize your research or creative project. Put another way, we want you to address these questions: What did you seek to do/learn through the project? What did you do? What did you discover/produce? Why did you choose this presentation venue for the project?
  • Please answer the following questions:
    What have you learned from the opportunity to present your research project?
    What skills or attributes did you develop and/or enhance through the process of preparing and delivering your presentation?
  • Consider how receipt of this award has affected your undergraduate experience at UConn. Complete the prompt: Because of my OUR Conference Presentation Award...
  • If you have one or more photos from your presentation that you would like to share, please upload them here.
    Max. file size: 250 MB.
  • If you shared one or more photos from your presentation, do you give OUR permission to include your picture in any publicity related to this award program and undergraduate achievements in research?
  • Permissions

  • OUR may quote from your written responses for programmatic or marketing materials. Please indicate below whether we may attribute any quotations from your responses to you.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.