Rebecca Feldman ’21, Civil Engineering
Fall 2019 UConn Co-op Legacy Fellow – Change Grant Recipient
On-Campus Composting: Creating an Opportunity for Students to Choose Where their Food Waste Goes
Project Summary
Rebecca’s project is a pilot initiative to provide students within Hilltop Apartments the option to compost their food scraps instead of throwing them away. Students that sign up to be apart of the program will be provided a compost bin and resources on what is suitable to go into the bin.
Listen to Rebecca talk about her project on UConn 360: Episode 54!
About Rebecca
Rebecca is a junior at the University of Connecticut, studying Civil Engineering and double minoring in Construction Management and Environmental Studies. Rebecca is a proud alum of the Engineering House Learning Community and is currently involved with the Academic Achievement Center as an intern and the Undergraduate Student Government as Mental Health & Wellness Subcommittee Cochair. Rebecca grew up outdoors and has always felt passionate about the environment, which has naturally led to the pursuit of her Civil degree where she hopes to work in sustainable development and one day get her professional engineer license. Rebecca is excited to see this project takeoff and is appreciative of all the support from the Change Grant Program.