Peer Research Ambassador Hansuja Chaurasia

OUR Peer Research Ambassador Hansuja Chaurasia '26, Major: Allied Health Sciences; Minor: Spanish.Hansuja (she/her) is a junior in the honors program pursuing a major in Allied Health Sciences with a concentration in Health Sciences and a minor in Spanish on the pre-dental track. On campus, she is a chemistry tutor at the Quantitative Learning Center, co-president of the South Asian Women Empowerment Association, and involved with leadership roles with the Indian Students Association and Peer Allies Through Honors (PATH). Outside of school, she is involved in volunteering for the Crisis Text Line and pursuing artistic endeavors.

Hansuja’s journey into research started in high school, where she was involved in designing and conducted an independent research study through her AP Research class exploring the effects of ocean acidification on the decay of Zostera marina seagrass. Her passion for scientific inquiry has only grown stronger through her college experience.

In her freshman year, Hansuja was involved in research with Systemic Health Action Research Program (SHARP) Lab, where she engaged in qualitative coding techniques to analyze the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction therapies on various physical and mental illnesses. The summer after her freshman year, Hansuja was involved in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the University of Wisconsin under Professor Stephen Drucker. During this experience, she was involved in using quantum calculations and jet-cooled laser spectroscopy to understand changes in structure/bonding of enone molecules 3-Cyclopenten-1-one and 2-Pyrone as a consequence of laser excitation.

During her sophomore year, Hansuja delved into research with the Kienzler Laboratory under the mentorship of Professor Michael Kienzler in the Chemistry department. As an undergraduate researcher, she works with her graduate mentors on synthesizing light-operated photoswitch molecules that can serve as calcium-release activated channel (CRAC) inhibitors. Alongside her laboratory work, Hansuja recently joined the Duffy Lab under Dr. Valerie Duffy in the Allied Health Department, working on the promotion of healthy dietary/nutrition habits and oral care in pediatric populations across CT through social media initiatives.

After completing her undergraduate degree, Hansuja hopes to attend dental school. Hansuja has engaged in diverse research areas and is eager to help fellow UConn students to discover and pursue their own research interests!

Peer Research Ambassador meetings have ended for the fall semester. Peer Research Ambassadors will begin taking meeting requests again in January at the start of the spring semester.