The Roper Award for Research Experience (RARE) supports undergraduate research apprenticeships that make use of the archives of the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. We are pleased to announce the two student/faculty RARE teams who have received awards for Spring 2015 and thank the Roper Center for its generous support of these student awards. Congratulations, RARE awardees!

Project Title: The Role of Demographics and Socioeconomics on Views of the Food System and Food Access
Student Apprentice and Major: Christopher Bruno, Resource Economics
Faculty Mentor and Department: Benjamin Campbell, Agricultural and Resource Economics
Mr. Bruno and Professor Campbell will be using Roper Center data to consider how different groups view the food system and access information about food-related issues. They will examine how different groups view organic, local, and genetically modified food products, considering the role of race, gender, income, and other characteristics to better understand differences in perceptions. This research will culminate with the development of policy recommendations that address potential racial and/or income inequalities within the food system.
Project Title: Throwing the Bums Out: Public Attitudes Toward Scandal-Plagued Incumbents
Student Apprentice and Major: Erin Puglia, Political Science
Faculty Mentor and Department: Vincent Moscardelli, Political Science
Ms. Puglia and Professor Moscardelli will use exit poll data to consider the mechanism(s) by which Congressional incumbents involved in scandals lose vote share. While existing research has documented the phenomenon of reduced vote share for candidates in the election cycle in which a scandal is first reported in the media, the causal mechanisms have not yet been established, so this project aims to model this process.